The primary benefit of coming to a specialized seating clinic is that a customized, properly fitted wheelchair will significantly increase your quality of life. A properly fitted mobility system can: ...
Worried that the raccoon would be deprived of all mobility, Curtis partnered with Walkin’ Pets to work on a custom wheelchair for Vittles, so the raccoon could enjoy life at her own speed.
She credits his wheelchair, which he was strapped into from his torso to his legs. The chair itself, however, is totaled. Fust is using a temporary stand-in, which is not as customized as the one ...
OSAKA--Distraught at seeing their beloved dachshund become unable to walk in 2013, a canine-loving couple here went over the heads of experts and created a custom-built wheelchair of their own to ...
GILBERT, AZ — Paula Gillette-West is searching for answers after her custom wheelchair was taken from her driveway in Gilbert on Saturday. For years, she has been battling. “I had ...
In addition to the donations made in Brooklyn on Friday, the Assembly member announced that five Staten Islanders will be fitted for their own motorized wheelchairs, which will be customized to ...
An Irish seating specialist has produced a world-first 3D printed custom cushion with a ventilation system for wheelchair users. Luke Conway, founder and director of LCS, said: "This is the first ...