The new DC Compact Comics line is the perfect place to reprint classic comic series and events to introduce iconic stories to ...
A world literature class may be the first place that some students have encountered European works, let alone non-Western texts. The emphasis in this anthology, therefore, is on non-Western and ...
Matthew Horton, Ph.D. Karen Dodson, Ph.D. Laura Getty, Ph.D. Kyounghye Kwon, Ph.D. Laura Ng, Ph.D. The Compact Anthology of World Literature, Parts 4, 5, and 6 is ...
Vinod Thomas has compressed an astonishing scope of research and thinking into an exceedingly compact volume in “Risk and Resilience in the Era of Climate Change” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd edition, ...
Nightwood Editions, 81 pp, $15, softcover. Reading Anthropy made me think Ray Hsu really wanted to write a novel: one of those tight compact books that leaves you gasping for air, such is his ...