If you really want to optimize your setup for lethality, the gauge you choose is only part of the equation. What matters most is finding a gun/choke/load combination that works well together. What ...
I first started testing out custom turkey chokes with different models and gauge shotguns a few years ... swapped out a manufacturer’s Extra-Full choke for a custom model. So, upon my buddy ...
I used one 12-gauge (870 Super Mag with Rob Roberts .660 choke), one 20-gauge (Winchester SXP Long Beard with factory choke), and one .410 (Mossberg 500 with factory choke) for my tests ...
So instead of investing in a new turkey hunting shotgun, you could run an aftermarket turkey choke in your duck gun with TSS and likely get similar performance that high-end turkey guns deliver. Plus, ...
30 YEARS WORTH OF PATTERNS: No other company like ours at Carlson's Choke Tubes with 30 plus years of experienced patterning and testing data, by analyzed thousands of load and choke combos with ...