The cassowary is proof that nature always has a ... Casque: A spongy, helmet-like crest atop their head, made of keratin (like human nails), possibly used for thermal regulation or navigating ...
On a tree beside me, I spot a Boyd’s forest dragon—a handsome lizard with a crest on its head and spikes ... Casuarius casuarius, the southern cassowary, fruit-eater-in-chief of Australia ...
The cassowary is striking in appearance, with its bright colors and a tall yellow crest—or “helmet”—on its head. But its true danger lies in the 12 cm-long razor-sharp claw on its middle ...
It’s not just any bird that strikes fear into the heart of Aussies. The cassowary is one of the world’s largest birds, and it looks like a relic from another geologic era. It’s as tall as a ...
With its vivid blue face and helmet-like crest, the cassowary is a stunning sight. But beneath its beauty lies danger. Known as the world’s most dangerous bird, it lives in the tropical ...
It's said that cassowaries are timid and typically difficult to spot. There aren't very many birds around the world that humans are afraid of but Cassowary stands out. Known as the "world's most ...