Welcome. UAB’s Department of Nutrition Sciences is thrilled to be able to provide innovative Continuing Professional Education Units (CPEUs) to our nationwide network of preceptors, alumni, and ...
Our summer units require a residency in the Fargo area for the duration of the CPE unit. Fall and Winter Extended Units (Level I-II). These units are approximately 16 weeks long and utilize a “hybrid” ...
Students may earn up to 3 semester credits in Pastoral Care (PC) for one unit of CPE. Many students choose to do a unit of CPE for elective credit (as PC705), and to do their Professional Internship ...
Upon successful completion of a CPE course, participants will receive CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and/or PDH (Professional Development Hours) credit. These credits may be used to maintain your ...
University at Buffalo Continuing and Professional Education support team has developed the following guides to help units and departments understand the UB CPE service and the responsibilities of ...