The University of Education, Winneba (UEW), has withdrawn 38 Level 100 students for failing to meet academic standards ...
The average of all grades earned by a student as outlined below is termed the cumulative grade point average. It is used for determining activity, eligibility, honors, probation, suspension, ...
When a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 3.00, they will be placed on academic warning. Except in cases where a program has stricter policies approved by the Graduate School, ...
Some programs may require a higher grade point average for graduation. The cumulative grade point average is computed from all graduate level courses taken for a grade at the University of ...
A young Nigerian lady, Salman Qulzum, celebrated as she emerged as the best graduating student of BOUESTI, at the school's ...
HYDERABAD: The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TGBIE) announced that all students who attempted Question Number 7 in English-II, the second-yea ...
On top of that, she was also awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for being the top scorer in her class, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.78.