Looking back over the best Game Boy Color games really drives home just how many fantastic experiences came to Nintendo's iconic handheld. And thanks to the Nintendo Switch Online virtual console ...
The Game Boy Color hit shelves in 1998 and proved that Nintendo's rip-roaring success with the original wasn't just a fluke. The console has a Goliath library of phenomenal games and even boasted ...
The original Game Boy revolutionized handheld gaming and remains an iconic piece of hardware even if the games were relegated to black and green. Adding a sprinkle of graphical flare made a lot of ...
Sales figures suggest Nintendo did pretty well with the Game Boy Color during its original run, even if the hardware and visuals feel a tad archaic and limited today. [Chris Hackmann] has taken ...
The Game Boy Color occupies an odd space in Nintendo's handheld history, but it managed to carve out a niche with plenty of great games that helped to push the market forward. As a revamped ...
In the West, the release of Pokémon Red & Blue was followed just weeks later by the arrival of a new console, and it was on Game Boy Color that many of us caught our very first Pocket Monster We ...