Baboon politics say a lot about human politics: It's tough to be on top, and the key to staying there is to know when to stress over the competition. Professor of Neuroscience at Stanford ...
These friendships often lasted for life, and scientists say they show how male primates can use kindness and affection to socially succeed. A young Kinda baboon at Mahale Mountains Nationalpark ...
A baboon at ZooTampa has been given a clean bill of health after receiving oral surgery last summer from doctors who normally ...
Imagine living with the same group of people for your entire life. Not just staying connected to the same group through letters and phone calls, or even sharing a house with someone for your whole ...
Humans like to study themselves in a mirror. But wild baboons, when presented with a mirror, don’t seem to recognize they’re staring at their own selves, a new study has found. For decades ...
The Amboseli Baboon Project is a long-term, coordinated series of studies of yellow baboons, Papio cynocephalus, in the Amboseli region of East Africa, immediately north and west of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
This story appears in the December 2009 issue of National Geographic magazine. "I'm hungry," says Onwas, squatting by his fire, blinking placidly through the smoke. The men beside him murmur in ...
However, Kinda baboons exhibit a mosaic of behaviors, with male-driven social investment reminiscent of hamadryas baboons but within a more fluid and egalitarian group structure.
ZooTampa made history by teaming up with human dental experts to perform a groundbreaking surgery on a baboon named Silar, saving his smile and health. Read about this incredible collaboration!
A research team led by William O'Hearn from the German Primate Center—Leibniz Institute for Primate Research has found that female Guinea baboons court males more intensively when they show ...
They have been attacking livestock in broad daylight, ripping them to pieces and ravenously feasting on them as owners watch helplessly. In the past two months, more than 10 people have been ...