The tiny cuts and grooves that decorate some ancient human artifacts are not just pretty accidents, according to some ...
"This is the best-documented Roman court case from Iudaea apart from the trial of Jesus," said one researcher.
They specifically looked for signals of migration from the Levant, Iran and ancient trading partners ... particularly involving enslaved people from East Africa. The medieval forced migration ...
“Forgery and tax fraud carried severe penalties under Roman law, including hard labor or even capital punishment,” Dolganov explained.
Prior excavations in the Levant uncovered thousands of bones that belonged to lizards and snakes, usually around areas where ancient people lived. However, it was unknown if lizards and snakes ...
WORK-IT will harness eight types of evidence for temple institutions—building, gifts, taxes, tithes, produce, welfare, priesthoods, and dependents—using sources from the Southern Levant, the Persian ...