It was the best of times, it was the morph of times. The Pink and Blue Rangers, Amy Jo Johnson and David Yost, reunited on April 28 to reminisce about their time on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Summer Movie Flops + a Chat With the Pink Ranger This week: Fergie's insane "M.I.L.F. $" video, the year of summer flop-buster movies, and a chat with O.G. Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson.
‘Power Rangers’ Amy Jo Johnson sits down with ET’s Rachel Smith to discuss her impact on pop culture, sharing behind-the-scenes moments from her time as the Pink Ranger. Plus, Amy Jo reveals ...
‘Power Rangers’ Amy Jo Johnson looks back at her career with ET and talks about the impact she's had on pop culture. 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' turns 30! ET looks back at the cast's first ...