A: Today's exchange rate (0.0398) is higher compared to yesterday's rate (0.0395). Q: What is 50 Baht in Singapore Dollars? A: 50 Baht buys 1.99 Singapore Dollars at interbank exchange rates.
Is the Baht going up or down against the Pound? A: Today's exchange rate (0.0229) is higher compared to yesterday's rate (0.0228). Q: What is 50 Baht in Pounds? A: 50 Baht buys 1.145 Pounds at ...
Foreign tourists and property investors are keeping a close eye on the Thai baht, hoping for a weaker exchange rate to ...
The Entertainment Complex Bill, set for revision, is anticipated to be submitted for Cabinet approval next week, according to Chousak Sirinil.
Thailand is dropping a requirement that locals must prove they have had at least 50 million baht ($1.5 million) in the bank ...
Thai nationals must have at least 50 million baht ($1.5 million) in fixed deposits for at least six months to be able to enter casinos, according to the draft issued by the Office of the Council ...