Lubbock, would criminalize the possession and manufacture of intoxicating legal products currently sold in smoke ...
Lawmakers are pushing to ban all THC products in Texas, but industry advocates are urging them to focus on regulation rather ...
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick held a press conference on Wednesday to discuss his passionate support of Senate Bill 3, which would ban ...
Patrick says the measure will shut down the dangerous THC products business. The House’s proposal would tighten oversight of ...
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick wants to ban all THC products in Texas, including the popular Delta-8 and Delta-9 products sold over ...
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released video showing his visits to Austin-area smoke shops to check whether they’re selling ...
Senate Bill 3, a priority item for Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, was approved in a 24-7 vote Wednesday afternoon. It now heads to the ...
AUSTIN, Texas (CN) — The Texas Senate passed a bill Wednesday fully banning THC products from sale in the state, fulfilling a key legislative priority of the lieutenant governor.