Using these little bumps, called fusion proteins, measles enters white blood cells and makes copies of itself. As the white ...
The Telegram has just spent a week in Washington and New York. He found veteran envoys reeling after America voted with ...
Measles is not often seen in the United States, but Americans are growing more concerned about the preventable virus as cases ...
A highly contagious disease is alarmingly on the rise in one US state. Cases of dysentery, also called shigellosis, are ...
A cold is usually caused by a virus However a bacterial infection can develop after a viral cold An expert explains whether ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a Travel Health Notice for the "highly contagious virus outbreak" - ...
Vaccination eliminated measles from the U.S. 25 years ago. But it can still spread in pockets where vaccination rates are low ...
Measles is one of the most contagious viruses known to humans. Just one infected patient can spread measles to up to nine out of 10 susceptible close contacts, according to the Centers for Disease ...
A patient with a highly contagious form of scabies is being treated at the The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG).
It’s a respiratory disease caused by one of the world’s most contagious viruses. The virus is airborne and spreads easily when an infected person breathes, sneezes or coughs. It most commonly ...